New year’s resolution

Posted: January 1, 2011 in Uncategorized

First for my new year’s resolution is study hard!

Second, getting good in my customizing skills

Last, is to get more money!!!!! lol XD

Till next post! I am still a passing by kamen rider and gunpla addict! remember that!

  1. Katsuden says:

    Happy Year Day to you bro! I want to make more money as well and better my Gunpla skills.

  2. rubyvijudai says:

    Happy New Year,may your resolution come truth.

  3. Aya says:

    Happy New Year and may the force be with you 😀 to fulfill all your Resolution 😉

  4. divinelight says:

    good resolution, hope we could get our best in this new year

  5. John says:

    Study hard is the most important of all…. hopefully you will achieve success. With great brain you will get money, power, women and sex, lots of sex…. hahahahaha….

    • gunpla4ever says:

      Agree with you! study is important, if you can’t get a university cert it is quite hard to find job, Yea clever ofcoz with money lots of pretty girls with come for you! lol

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